Ep. 40: Keeping Your Prices High With Kimberly Marie Stylist, Beauty Business Entrepreneur, Coach, and Strategist


Do you see all of these beauty businesses around you succeeding, making the money you wish you were, charging the prices you wish you could, and you just can't figure out why YOU can't be doing all of that too?


You're in luck, sister friend! It totally can be you. That's what I'm here for!

For this episode, I brought in my good friend, Kimberly Marie Stylist. She is an award-winning hairstylist and is committed to helping other hairstylists create the businesses of their dreams through her beauty business coaching. And in this episode, she's going to share with us her best tips for pricing your services, believing in your own worth, and leveling up your business.

I know you don't want to wait any longer for the tips that will change your life, so let's get into it!


Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [09:22]  First I have Kimberly introduce herself to all of the viewers who may not be familiar with her. Which, um, you should be.

‣‣ ...

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Ep. 36: Characteristics Of SIX FIGURE Beauty Entrepreneurs. All The Things You NEED In Order To Succeed In The Beauty Business


Hey boss beauty babe, are you reaching the level of success you're striving for? Are you putting in the work and not getting where you want fast enough? Are you starting to doubt that you have what it takes?


No need to fear, friend, I'm here to help! I don't know if you know this, but along with being a boss beauty entrepreneur myself, I also happen to work with and am friends with SO MANY other boss beauty entrepreneurs. Honestly, I couldn't tell you how many amazing women in the beauty industry I've had the pleasure of talking to let alone working with. So, what I'm saying is, I know a thing or two about beauty entrepreneurs. And I know what characteristics make for a successful beauty boss.

Yeah, I said it. I know the secrets. I know the tricks of the trade. And I'm here to share them with you. I put together a list of the top 15 traits that I see reflected in ALL of the successful beauty bosses I know. And these are all things that I believe you can...

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Ep. 35: Kelly Callaghan Spray Tan Class Mogul And Visionary Behind Wake Up To Level Up Podcast And Live Event Walks Us Through Fear And Gratitude And How It All Ties Into The Growth Of Your Beauty Business




Yeah, you heard me. Cut it out. You are a beauty boss. Fear can't stop you.

I know, it's easier said than done. But listen, I'm here to help you out, sister friend. Here on Pretty Rich Podcast we share the truth and only the truth and we motivate each other to be the best beauty entrepreneurs we can be. Because we're dreaming big here and not only are we dreaming big but we are ACHIEVING those dreams. Dreaming and achieving. Nothing less.

So on this episode, we have spray tan MOGUL Kelly Callaghan, and she's sharing alllll of the deets on how she as leveled up her business massively over the last year through fear and pain. Yeah, it wasn't a walk in the park for her but she didn't. She experienced shock, pain, heartbreak, and depression but she grew through it and she is thriving. And she's going to share how you can too! So buckle up and get...

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Ep. 33: Identify Your Ideal Client & Brand Loyalist For Your Beauty Business And Why It's Important. Whether You're A Lash Artist, Esthetician, PMU Artist, Microblader, Spray Tanner, Hair Or Nail Boss Identifying Your True Fan Matters


Hey beauty babe, do you feel like your marketing is getting your business nowhere, no matter how hard you try? Well, maybe you need to really narrow in and identify your ideal client so that you're bringing in the exact kind of brand loyal clients you want and need to succeed!


We all have ideal clients, right? That girl that we get in our chair from time-to-time and we're just like "wow I wish you could come in more often" and "I wish every client was like you." You know? She's funny, she's kind, she treats everyone politely, she tips well. 

You might think it would be impossible to make sure every one of your clients was more like her but it's not! You just need to narrow down and identify your ideal client - because it's her! You need to start marketing to her directly! Then your business will thrive, trust me.

If you're still not quite with me, no worries. We'll get into it all in this episode and I promise by the end you'll be a believer and you'll be...

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Ep. 30: Boss Babe Behind The Vegas PMU Conference, Portia Ijidakinro On The Top 10 Things You Need To Invest In To Grow Your PMU Business


Are you investing in your beauty business? Are you investing consciously?   


 No matter where you are in your beauty business (though preferably you would start sooner than later) you should be investing in your beauty business. Putting money into it, along with hard work, is really the only way it will continue to grow.

But where should you put that money? Well, we're here to help you out. You may have heard of a little thing called the Vegas PMU Conference? I brought in the mastermind behind it all, Portia Ijidakinro, to help me dive into the top 10 things that you should be investing in to grow your beauty business. So get your wallets out, beauty babes, and let's get growing.



Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [05:56]  Jumping straight into it, you should be investing in continuous education. You're never going to know everything but you should be on top of new techniques and improvements in the industry, or you're just...

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Ep. 29: International Soprano And Microblading Mogul Julia Milin Shares Her Life Story And Helps Us Understand How A Background In The Performing Arts Is A Huge Advantage In Business


Lights! Camera! Action!


Are you ready for today's episode? If you were ever in the performing arts: dance, theater, choir, band, whatever, then this episode just might dig up some nostalgia for you. I know it did for me. Not only that, but it also inspired me. I had forgotten how my history in performing arts could be so vital to my business now.

Even if you've never stepped foot on any kind of stage, I think the episode will be super inspirational. We have, not only a brow mogul but an international soprano Julia Milin with us today. Yes. International soprano AND brow mogul. She does both! And she's incredible at both.

We dive into her history, how she got started in performing arts, how she got started in PMU, and how she weaves them together. I don't think I've ever felt so rejuvenated after an episode. Seriously.



Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [02:40]  We start with our rapid-fire introduction questions.

‣‣  [09:44] ...

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Ep. 26: This Is Awkward.. Why You Needed To Get On Video Marketing For Your PMU Biz Like Yesterday


Have you gone on Instagram live before? Do you do it often? Do you talk on camera on stories every day? Are you fully taking advantage of what a great video marketing tool Instagram is?


Probably not. Probably not. Am I right?

Look, Instagram is a great tool for growing a business. I owe a lot to the gram, no doubt. BUT it's not enough to just post pretty pictures and write captions. It's really not! And I'm sure you're starting to realize that. Video is key. There are a ton of video marketing tools on Instagram now and if you're not taking advantage of them then you are BEHIND beauty boss. You don't want to be behind, right?

In this episode, we're going to talk all about video marketing, how it will help your PMU beauty business grow, and how you can get over your fear of being on camera. Let's do this, beauty bosses.



Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [05:35]  Video can BOOST your business exponentially. How? I'll tell you.

‣‣ ...

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Ep. 22: Dollistic CEO Emily Joy Shares What It's Really Like To Be A Leader Of A Permanent Makeup Squad. Being One Of The Very First Microbladers In Washington DC, Emily Shares The Ups And Downs Of Managing Multiple Brow Artists


Managing a team of PMU artists is one of the most rewarding parts of having your own studio, it really is. There's nothing like that sense of family and community like these are the sisters you never had. But it also comes with some hardships.


Like everything, it has its ups and downs. For this episode, I have my friend Emily Joy, CEO of her own studio, Dollistic, in Washington DC. Honestly, Emily and I are like soul sisters we're so similar.

Emily used to have 25 PMU artists in her studio. Can you imagine? I mean, I have 15, but 25 is a lot to manage. Now she's trimmed it down to just 4, including her. As you can expect, that kind of process, trimming a group of 25 down to 4, comes with some lessons. It comes with a lot of wisdom. Emily has had some practice knowing who she works well with, who she can't work with, and how to handle change.

She's actually the perfect person to spill all the beans about the ups and downs of managing a team of multiple PMU...

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Ep. 20: The ONE THING PMU Success Is Made Of


I'm ready to tell my story.


I want to share the story of how I became successful in PMU, how I got started, and how I got to where I am now. I know it's easy to look at me now and see how successful I am and feel like I just got here overnight. But I didn't! It took so much hard work and effort on my part because when I got into PMU it was not a cool thing. It was not hip. It was not on-trend. But I saw it for what it was and I thought "okay, I can inject some cool into this. I can make this sexy" and, girl, I ran with it.

In this episode, I want to share my journey to PMU success because I think it's important for all of us to acknowledge where we came from. If you see PMU celebrities and you think "why am I not there? Why am I not that successful yet? It needs to happen faster." I've got you. I've got you! We're gonna be honest in this episode and I'm going to share THE ONE THING that really led to my PMU success with you. The One Thing that PMU...

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Ep. 18: Desi Crowley: Secrets To MASSIVE VISIBILITY in 2019


When's the last time you went on live to promote your business? Has it been a minute? Have you ever gone on live before? Does it terrify you?


Listen, I understand. Even I get nervous before I go live. I know! I go live on Instagram and Facebook all the time, I'm on YouTube, I have a freaking podcast, but I still get nervous. The trick is that I don't give up.

Oops, is that kind of a spoiler for this episode? YES - we're talking all about going live and getting over your nerves because that is the key to massive visibility.

I brought on my friend and marketing expert Desi Crowley to share all of her top secrets to massive visibility so that you can achieve maximum success in your beauty business this year. You're welcome!


Here are the episode highlights:

‣‣  [02:56]  I like to start with some basic get-to-know-you questions to get us all warmed up. We talk about where Desi grew up, knowing that good things are waiting for you in the future, and setting...

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